The Pacific North West old growth forests need our help now more than an ever! My heart goes out to all the brave Island warriors on the front lines at Fairy Creek standing up for the last untouched coastal watershed. With less than 3 percent of old growth remaining, if we don't act fast, this priceless and magical ecosystem shaped by ten thousand years of evolution will be gone. I spent the spring and early summer tree planting in B.C.'s interior seeing first hand how unsustainable and destructive the current Forestry system is. Add a climate crisis on top of that and we may very well be facing a full ecosystem collapse in our lifetime unless we change, and return to more selective and low intensive practices. These trees are our life blood, they give us shelter, food, shade and create and regulate their own climate on the west coast. I believe it's our duty as coastal guardians to give these forests a voice and end the colonial control and power the government and logging companies have over unseeded land that was stolen.
Being away from the Island this spring was hard so I wanted to create a piece of art that gave Fairy Creek Watershed a voice and allowed me to raise awareness and funds for the old growth and coastal protectors. I will be donating 100% of the proceeds to the two Go Fund Me campaigns created by the Rainforest Flying Squad. Half goes to indigenous land guardians holding it down on the front lines and the other half goes to camp costs and future old growth protection along our beautiful coastline.
Stickers are $10 each, and you can purchase by pressing the button below, I can ship anywhere the world or drop off in person in the Comox Valley, Ucluelet and Tofino.
Thank You All For Your Support!
Love and Light!