Little Forest Echoes
Ever wish that one of those West Coast sunsets could last forever!? These little pocket sized Forest Echoes were created just for those occasions. Featured in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours, they make a truly unique West Coast art pieces and come in their very own handmade fabric bag.
These are examples of what I've created in the past, and can be recreated or customized in any way :) If your interested in purchasing one please contact me first so we can find the right size, shape and concept :)
The West Coast Story
Fungi have always been my favourite canvases to paint, beginning with the hunt deep in the rain forest. Traditionally, First Nations Tribes gathered Forest Echoes along the West Coast for their medicinal and energetic properties. They believed that they caused echoes in the woods and placed them in their houses for protection from dark energy. As saprophytes they create new life from death, and are revered for their potent immune boosting compounds that may very well save the world one day.